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To Blink or How not to Blink?

/ Industrial Engineering / László Szabó
To Blink or How not to Blink?

In this post, author Laszlo Szabo shows us the importance of counting fraction of a second in Work Study. The fraction of second we are talking about is as low as a single blink. As a person and as a company, we are forced to step in new competitions where the price and trust are […]

Is there “Right” Time for all Participating Parties?

/ Industrial Engineering / László Szabó
Is there “Right” Time for all Participating Parties?

In garment manufacturing, the sewing standard time is a primary measure for many things including garment costing, manpower and machine planning, line setup, performance measuring and benchmarking. When it comes for establishing the standard time for an operation, engineers trust the SAM generated using a PMTS software, where the PMTS codes are primarily used for […]

Efficiency: The Importance of the Benchmark

/ timeSSD / László Szabó
Efficiency: The Importance of the Benchmark

Laszlo Szabo of timeSSD® has emphasized the importance of benchmark performance when factories measuring and analyzing the productivity and efficiency data. By using timeSSD® system, one can easily establish the standard time of sewing operations without prior training. To estimate the standard time Engineer Don’t need to remember code. Engineer just need to choose the […]