Busy and Successful Week in Pakistan for timeSSD®
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It was a nice surprise how the visited garment manufacturing units are run in Karachi and Lahore. The meetings and discussions with the professionals between March 2 – 7, 2020 were a pleasure.
The industrial engineers hold a high level know-how, the shop floors are clean and well organized, the efficiency is very high comparing with the surrounding countries, I would even say that considerably higher than few RMG companies from Romania (like one since 1950 or since 1997 from Onești).
The decision makers are living in the present and they are willing to be more productive tomorrow then today. For this they act more with facts rather than words and they are open to learn and apply novelty solutions.
The individual efficiency tracking (in many places not only daily but hourly), piecework based salary and incentives, the real-time QC are more usual than exceptions.
The discussions about methods, benchmark times and labor costing were a pleasant experience both in the companies and during the 4th NED International Textile Conference in Karachi.
I became more, thank you Pakistan!